Soul's Journey on Canvas

Aham Brahmasmi

“Artist’s are timeless,” says Atila Schroeder at the premier of his exhibition Journey Of the Soul held at the Windsor Sheraton. From Sombor in Yugoslavia, Atila, many years ago was staying in a ‘math’ in North India where he was exposed to a large expanse of spirituality. Four years ago, he returned to India once again and was working as an art director with gallery in Bangalore dealing in Western Art. His inclination to express himself in painting came to the fore at a group exhibition where his work was much admired among many professionals.

Atila returned to Sombor within a few months in Bangalore and has since been on a progressive journey. Over tete-a-tete he spoke about his spiritual journey beginning quite early in life. “It’s not the body one has to think of, it’s the soul.” He says. “Knowledge is expressed in my work. An artist exposes an intimate part of himself but first one has to establish trust within oneself, only than you can share. A certain longing, a vague sensation….the moment you suppress it, you’re unhappy. I’ve passed through one door. When very young, I realized that our feelings direct us. Unlike animals we have intrusions, many answers and you want right one. The mantra to satisfaction is enjoy in the “now”, he adds

According to Atila, 16 pieces of art work on exhibit titled as: Genesis, Soul Substance, Aham Brahmasmi, Pulsation of the Soul, Voices from Within, among others are “ perception of my higher identity,” explains Atila. Shades of blue dominate his palette but every color has it’s vibrancy and frequency.

Dr L. Subramaniam, who inaugurated the exhibition commended the works as very original and very creative. Artists Shirly Mathew and Milind Nayak found some works as simulating while Ruby and Imitaz claimed it’s easy interpretation and very bold work.

“When I visually see the intricacy of the works, I’m so pleasently surprised. It’s not just casual strokes, you can see the involvement" Says KK Raghava, famous Indian artist.

The exhibition is on at Welcome Art Gallery at ITC Windsor Manor Sheraton&Towers till May 21, 2007.